Random Forest has been added as classification method in the latest release of the Classification toolbox for MATLAB. The toolbox is available for download at this link: https://michem.unimib.it/download/matlab-toolboxes/classification-toolbox-for-matlab/
Category Archives: Data and software
Kohonen and CPANN toolbox: new release!
A new release of the Kohonen and CPANN toolbox (4.6) is now available. In this release, GPU and CPU calculation has been improved. The Kohonen and CPANN toolbox for MATLAB is a collection of MATLAB modules for training Kohonen Maps (Self Organising Maps, SOMs), Counterpropagation Artificial Neural networs (CPANNs), Supervised Kohonen networks (SKN), XY-fused networks (XY-F). It can be downloaded here: https://michem.unimib.it/download/matlab-toolboxes/kohonen-and-cpann-toolbox-for-matlab/
Downloads of Michem toolboxes and datasets in 2022
In 2022 we registered more than 1.000 dowloads of our toolboxes and datasets, which are freely available from our webiste: https://michem.unimib.it/download/
ChemTastesDB: database for molecular tastants
ChemTastesDB is a database that includes curated information of 2944 molecular tastants. For each molecule the following information is provided: name, PubChem CID, CAS registry number, canonical SMILES string, class taste. The molecular structure in the HyperChem (.hin) format of each chemical is provided. The database is now available on Zenodo: https://zenodo.org/record/5747393#.Yhnx8ujMKUk
Kohonen and CPANN Toolbox: new release 4.5 out!
A new release of the Kohonen and CPANN Toolbox (for Matlab) is now available! The toolbox is a collection of MATLAB modules for calculating Kohonen Maps and Counterpropagation Artificial Neural networs (CPANNs), Supervised Kohonen networks and XY-fused networks. In this new release, it is possible to have calculation on a GPU and RAM usage has been optimised to better deal with big data. The toolbox can be downloaded here.
Classification toolbox: new release!
A new release of the classification toolbox for MATLAB is now available: variance scaling and range scaling have been added as approaches for column pre-processing. Basic row pre-processing methods have been added (standard normal variate, multiplicatve scatter correction, first and second derivative). Savitzky-Golay smoothing can now be applied to analytical spectral data. The layout of the calculation menu has been simplified. Download the latest version here!
Kohonen and CPANN Toolbox: new release out!
A new release of the Kohonen and CPANN Toolbox (for Matlab) is now available! The toolbox is a collection of MATLAB modules for calculating Kohonen Maps and Counterpropagation Artificial Neural networs (CPANNs), Supervised Kohonen networks and XY-fused networks. In this new release, it is possible to have calculation on a GPU. This can be helpfull when dealing with big data. The toolbox can be downloaded here.
Kohonen and CPANN Toolbox: new release!
A new release of the Kohonen and CPANN Toolbox (for Matlab) is now available! The toolbox is a collection of MATLAB modules for calculating Kohonen Maps and Counterpropagation Artificial Neural networs (CPANNs), Supervised Kohonen networks and XY-fused networks. In this new release, the computational time for the calculation of SOMs has been significantly reduced. The toolbox can be downloaded here.
Regression toolbox for MATLAB now available!
The Regression toolbox (for MATLAB) is a collection of MATLAB modules for calculating regression multivariate models: Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), Partial Least Squares (PLS), Principal Component Regression (PCR), Ridge regression, local regression based on K Nearest Neighbours (KNN) and Binned Nearest Neighbours (BNN) approaches, and variable selection approaches (All Subset Models, Forward selection, Genetic Algorithms and Reshaped Sequential Replacement).
The toolbox is freely available and can be downloaded here |
NURA: a curated dataset of nuclear receptor modulators
NURA (curated NUclear Receptor Activity dataset) is a curated dataset of nuclear receptor modulators. It contains bioactivity annotations for 15,206 molecules and 11 selected Nuclear Receptors (NRs) obtained by integrating and curating data from toxicological and pharmacological databases. The data can be dowloaded at Zenodo: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3991561; details on this dataset can be found here: Valsecchi, C., Grisoni, F., Motta, S., Bonati, L., Ballabio, D. (2020) NURA: a curated dataset of nuclear receptor modulators, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 407, 115244 [link]