We are glad to announe that our former PhD student Kamel Mansouri recently won the Lush Prize 2017 for Young Researchers to develop alternative methods to animal testing.
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Milano Chemometrics has been involved in several projects related to the use of QSAR for the REACH registration of chemicals. If you are interested in collaboration on these topics, read here. |
Molecular Descriptors Data Base
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The MOLE db – Molecular Descriptors Data Base is a free on-line database constituted of 1124 molecular descriptors calculated on 234773 molecules, released by Milano Chemometrics and QSAR Research Group: explore the MOLE db data base here! |
Handbook of Bibliometric Indicators
The book “Handbook of Bibliometric Indicators: Quantitative Tools for Studying and Evaluating Research”, published by Wiley and written by Roberto Todeschini and Alberto Baccini is now available. This is the first systematic guide to the growing jungle of citation indices and other bibliometric indicators. Further info here.
Chemometrics and QSAR applied to molecules of biological interest
The course Chemometrics and QSAR applied to molecules of biological interest will be held by Milano Chemometrics in Cuenca (Ecuador) on 25 january – 10 february 2016.
PhD position available
AEGIS (Accelerated Early staGe drug dIScovery) is a Marie Skłodowska -Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) for early stage researchers (ESR) funded by the European Commission under the H2020 Programme, the EU framework programme for research and innovation. The AEGIS ITN will provide a comprehensive and cross-disciplinary structured curriculum for doctoral students in early drug discovery. A key research aim of AEGIS is improving the efficiency and success of early stage drug development by combining innovative methods and techniques to tackle difficult but promising targets (i.e. protein-protein interactions), as potentially valuable drug targets are often neglected due to the high risk associated with their validation. Further info here: http://www.aegis-itn.eu/
Download software and data
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Visit the download page, where you can find softwares, MATLAB toolboxes and datasets you can freely download: N3-BNN toolbox, PCA toolbox, Kohonen and CPANN toolbox, Classification toolbox, Applicability Domain toolbox, RSR toolbox for variable selection. |
Best oral presentation
Matteo Cassotti is the winner for the best oral presentation at the “16th International Workshop on QSAR in Environmental and Health Sciences” held at Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, Milan – Italy. Matteo gave a talk about a QSAR model that can be used in the framework of the European REACH regulation to predict acute toxicity of chemicals towards Daphnia magna.
QSAR software for the study of dyes properties
An agreement has been finalised between REACH&Colours Italia Srl (Milano) and Università degli Studi di Milano – Bicocca (UNIMIB) with the aim of developing a new software, innovative, revolutionary and specifically oriented for the study of organic dyes, able to model the quantitative relations between molecular structure and specific properties of dye molecules (Q-SAR).
8th Colloquium Chemiometricum Mediterraneum (CCM VIII 2013) will be held in Bevagna (Italy), 30 June-4 July 2013