New release of our MATLAB toolboxes

we would like to announce that new versions of our toolboxes for MATLAB have been released. A graphical user interface (GUI), which allows an easy model calculation and analysis of results, is provided with all the toolboxes.

The Classification toolbox for MATLAB is a collection of MATLAB modules for calculating classification (supervised pattern recognition) multivariate models.
In this new release, Backpropagation Neural Networks (BPNN) was added as classification method and the maximum number of classes that can be loaded (and modelled) has been extended to 20.
The toolbox can be downloaded here.

The Kohonen and CPANN toolbox for MATLAB is a collection of MATLAB modules for training Kohonen Maps (Self Organising Maps, SOMs) and supervised SOMs.
In this new release, the maximum number of classes that can be loaded (and modelled) has been extended to 20. Numerical results related to the position of samples in the top map and net weights have been added to the results menu.
The toolbox can be downloaded here.

The PCA toolbox for MATLAB is a collection of MATLAB modules for calculating unsupervised multivariate models (PCA, MDS and Cluster Analysis).
In this new release, the maximum number of classes that can be loaded has been extended to 20.
The toolbox can be downloaded here.

Finally, have a look to our data repository where you can freely download available data.

Borse di studio per la partecipazione a congressi

la Società Italiana di Chemiometria – Associazione Culturale ha bandito il finanziamento di tre borse di studio volte ad incentivare la partecipazione di giovani meritevoli (non strutturati) al 10th Colloquium Chemiometricum Mediterraneum (due borse) e alla Conferentia Chemometrica (una borsa).
La data limite per l’invio delle domande è fissata, rispettivamente, al 28 Aprile e al 3 Agosto 2019.
Tutti i dettagli sui requisiti e le istruzioni per compilare ed inviare la richiesta di finanziamento sono disponibili sul sito del Gruppo di Chemiometria al link:

Real deep learning and artificial neural networks

Si segnala il seminario del Prof. Massimo Buscema (University of Colorado & SEMEION) “Real deep learning and artificial neural networks”, Lunedì 25 marzo 2019, Ore 15:00, Edificio U1 – Aula Marchetti, Università Milano – Bicocca (P.zza della Scienza, 1, 20126 Milano, Italy). A seguire, la Dr.ssa Francesca Grisoni (ETH Zurich, Dept. of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences) presenterà un case study dal titolo: “Recurrent Neural Networks for de novo drug design”. Maggiori informazioni e locandina del seminario.

Kohonen and CPANN toolbox: new release

A new version of the Kohonen and CPANN toolbox (for MATLAB) is now available for download. This is a collection of MATLAB modules for training Kohonen Maps (Self Organising Maps, SOMs), Counterpropagation Artificial Neural networs (CPANNs), Supervised Kohonen networks (SKN), XY-fused networks (XY-F). In this new release, the graphical interface has been improved. Now forms with plots can be resized, classes can be loaded both as numerical or string arrays. Assignation method based on class threshold and ROC curves has been introduced. Validation based on Montecarlo random sampling has been added. Have fun!