Prof. Roberto Todeschini is guest editor of the special issue “QSAR and Chemoinformatics Tools for Modeling” for the International Journal of Molecular Science. More details here. |
Category Archives: News
Milano Chemometrics on Twitter
Follow Milano Chemometrics on twitter. We’ll update the profile with news on conferences, publications and new developments on chemometrics, QSAR and chemical modelling.
Milano Chemometrics cited in a book
“Bella e Potente: La chimica dagli inizi del Novecento ai giorni nostri” by Luigi Cerruti (Editori Riuniti University Press) outlines the history of chemistry of the last century until now. Two pages of the book are dedicated to our research group for the fundamental role played in the field of molecular descriptors. [read more…] |
Former PhD student won the Lush Prize for alternative methods
We are glad to announe that our former PhD student Kamel Mansouri recently won the Lush Prize 2017 for Young Researchers to develop alternative methods to animal testing.
Handbook of Bibliometric Indicators
The book “Handbook of Bibliometric Indicators: Quantitative Tools for Studying and Evaluating Research”, published by Wiley and written by Roberto Todeschini and Alberto Baccini is now available. This is the first systematic guide to the growing jungle of citation indices and other bibliometric indicators. Further info here.
PhD position available
AEGIS (Accelerated Early staGe drug dIScovery) is a Marie Skłodowska -Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) for early stage researchers (ESR) funded by the European Commission under the H2020 Programme, the EU framework programme for research and innovation. The AEGIS ITN will provide a comprehensive and cross-disciplinary structured curriculum for doctoral students in early drug discovery. A key research aim of AEGIS is improving the efficiency and success of early stage drug development by combining innovative methods and techniques to tackle difficult but promising targets (i.e. protein-protein interactions), as potentially valuable drug targets are often neglected due to the high risk associated with their validation. Further info here:
Best oral presentation
Matteo Cassotti is the winner for the best oral presentation at the “16th International Workshop on QSAR in Environmental and Health Sciences” held at Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, Milan – Italy. Matteo gave a talk about a QSAR model that can be used in the framework of the European REACH regulation to predict acute toxicity of chemicals towards Daphnia magna.
QSAR software for the study of dyes properties
An agreement has been finalised between REACH&Colours Italia Srl (Milano) and Università degli Studi di Milano – Bicocca (UNIMIB) with the aim of developing a new software, innovative, revolutionary and specifically oriented for the study of organic dyes, able to model the quantitative relations between molecular structure and specific properties of dye molecules (Q-SAR).
Open position for short term fellowship
Environmental ChemOinformatic (ECO) is a collaborative action of 7 institutions from 5 EU countries (Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Italy). The primary objective is to contribute to the education of environmental chemo-informaticians who will receive an advanced training in both environmental sciences and computational in silico methods. The fellows of the network are expected to apply their knowledge for the implementation of REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) in particular with respect to the replacement, refinement and reduction of animal tests by alternative (in silico and in vitro) methods.
ECO provides positions for short term fellowships. The detailed descriptions and specific skills required for each position are available at the web site
Dr. Viviana Consonni has been elected IAMC memeber
At the 5th Meeting of the International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry (Dubrovnik, June 14-16 2009), Dr. Viviana Consonni has been elected as new member of the Academy on the basis of her research activity on molecular descriptors and mathematical chemistry. At the present moment, she is the youngest member of the Academy.